Celebrating 50 years
Established in December 1972, ATSILS (QLD) has been advancing and protecting the legal and human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people throughout Queensland for 50 years.

Welcome Reflections
Our dedicated staff welcome you as they reflect on their time with ATSILS.
Connection to Community
Connection to community has been the foundation of our service delivery model from the very beginning. From the first Field Officers to the evolution of our Court Support Officer role and beyond, we continue to invest in building the cultural capability of our workforce.
Our Culture
Past and present staff give insight into the corporate culture at ATSILS.
A Global Movement of Civil Rights
1950s-1970s: a pivotal time in the advancement of civil rights of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders. Key movements lay the foundation for legal & health services to be established.
Advancing Justice
ATSILS was established in response to the injustice our people were experiencing from the police and throughout broader society.
ATSILS is Born
Paul Richard's, one of ATSILS first legal practitioners gives insight into the early foundation of ATSILS.
QEA Days
ATSILS becomes Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation (QEA) for Legal Services and is incorporated as a company.
Advocacy & Law Reform
1975 -1993
From 1975’s Federal Racial Discrimination Act to 1993’s Federal Native Title Act
The “Stretton Report” triggers structural and governance changes that lay the foundation for the growth of ATSILS innovative and professional service delivery.
Truth, Healing & the Ongoing Pursuit of Justice
1997 - 2019
From the 1997 Bringing them Home Report - Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019
Court Support Officer Role
Late 1990s
The Court Support Officer role is introduced and QEA begins to expand its presence in south-east Queensland.
Our Growth
Staff reflect on the expansion of the service from the QEA Days to ATSILS state-wide service delivery.
QEA becomes ATSILS (QLD South) Ltd and is incorporated under ASIC. ATSILS footprint grows to 17 offices across the state. Service delivery expands to formally include family and civil law services.
ATSILS assumes complete state-wide service delivery.
Working for ATSILS
Our staff share their personal experiences of working for ATSILS.
Workforce Insights
- Legal Staff
Meet some of the incredible legal practitioners delivering ATSILS innovative and professional legal services.
Throughcare Program
ATSILS successfully manages the Throughcare pilot program in Queensland. The success of the program has seen the program expand to 7 targeted locations across the state.
Throughcare Officer Role
An insight into the amazing work ATSILS Throughcare Officers do to help clients address their offending and transition back into the community.
A New Era of Funding
Funding through the federal Indigenous Legal Assistance Program (ILAP) model ends in 2020. Service delivery to the Torres Strait Islands & Northern Peninsula Area transitions to and alternate provider in 2021.
Workforce Insights
- Directors
Meet some of our directors of law and communications shaping our workforce to deliver highly accessible, innovative & professionals legal services.
2022 and Beyond
Current & Future Challenges
2022 and Beyond
ATSILS Strategic Growth
Queensland - Path To Treaty
ATSILS 50 Years Strong!
From humble beginnings ATSILS has grown into a state-wide service delivering highly accessible, innovative and professional legal services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Queensland.
ATSILS now has 25 locations across the state and delivers:
- Criminal, Civil & Family Law
- Community Legal Education & Law Reform
- Throughcare Services (Rehabilitation)
- Coronial & Public Sector Monitoring
ATSILS growth and development would not have been possible without the support of our various communities –
as well as the dedicated services of countless board and staff members throughout the decades.
We are also indebted to the earlier pioneering work of various sister organisations which we have since been
able to build upon including:
- Wakka Wakka at Murgon;
- Bidjara at Charleville;
- “QEC” at Rockhampton;
- “SEQ” at Toowoomba;
- Tharpuntoo and Njiku Jowan at Cairns;
- West QLD at Mount Isa; and
- the District services at Ipswich, Mackay and Townsville.
Our Strategic Plan 2021-2023
Central to our Strategic Plan are ‘Our Clients’, ‘Our Stakeholders’, ‘Our People’ and ‘Our Resources’.
As we look to the future our Mission continues to be:
To deliver quality legal assistance services, community legal
education, and early intervention and prevention initiatives which
uphold and advance the legal and human rights of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people.